Your customer initiative is of Gigaton proportions. Now what?

Your sustainability team is passionate about mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, improving air and water quality, building soil carbon, and creating a brighter future. Meanwhile, your account management counterparts are struggling with major competitors for shelf position in your most important retail account where the buying agent has outlined new sustainability metrics.

Your ability to deliver them is hindered by the nonintegrated nature of the sustainability software you use. Aggregating the required data is a chore, to say the least.

Here are some common themes in the questions we've addressed:

1. "I have sustainability data scattered across half a dozen projects and almost as many partners. How do I pull all that data into one unified view?"
2. "How do I confirm that each data set is associated with unique acres?"
3. "My Fieldprint data seems to address some of what my retail partner requires, but how do I respond to the other farming-related KPIs?"

Help is on the way.

MyFarms has cracked the code on facilitating end-to-end supply chain connections between farmer, ag retailer, grain processor, and consumer brand. This means sustainability KPIs can be calculated at the click of a button by each supply chain partner.

Sound interesting?

Submit the form below to schedule a personal discussion with a MyFarms representative today.